Hospitaller Prayer 27

John the Bookseller

In the name of Our Lord Jesus Christ, and of Our Lady the Virgin Mary. God before and above everything in the world. Amen, Jesus

Opening Prayer

Let us pray.

Lord, we live at a time of unprecedented change, when technology constantly presents us with possibilities our ancestors would never have dreamt about.

Grant us the grace to accept the challenges of our time, and give us the faith to bring to the unfolding world around us, the eternal and ever fresh good news of your love and hope.

We ask this of you, who lives and reigns with the Father, in the unity of the Holy Spirit, one God, forever and ever. Amen.

First Reading

A reading adapted from the Life of Saint John of God by Francisco de Castro

When John returned to Spain from North Africa, he spent some time travelling around Southern Spain. He readily undertook whatever work he could find, but he was happy to live frugally and to save his wages.

At this point in his life he became increasingly interested in religion and spent much of his spare time visiting churches and studying spiritual matters.

This new interest gradually led him into a career as a bookseller. It all began when he bought a number of religious books, pamphlets and cards at a market stall and sold them on to people in the neighbouring districts. He found that he was good at this kind of activity and he developed his own unique sales pitch. So, he gave up pursuing other kinds of work and dedicated himself full-time to selling the printed word. 

Eventually John sold all kinds of books and pamphlets and he became an expert in this field. However, he retained a keen interest in spirituality and always tried to persuade his customers to buy religious literature from him.

After a while John became dissatisfied with being constantly on the move and so he decided to settle down. Thus it was that John, now well into his forties, moved to Granada. He rented lodgings in the city and set up shot near the Elvira Gate.

At that time this was a thriving market area and indeed could be described as Granada’s business district. He stocked all sorts of books in his shop, but he continued his practice of trying to interest his customers in the religious and spiritual material he kept on display. He began to build a modest reputation for himself in the city as an honest retailer and an expert in his field. His business continued to grow until that fateful day when his life was to be so dramatically and irreversibly changed.

Reflection (based partly on Mk. 8:27-30)

The small band of faithful followers arrived at this wondrous place – this Caesarea Philippi.

Steeped in legend and history, rich in cultural influences with its Roman temple, its references in Greek mythology and its connections with the river Jordan, this was a powerfully symbolic area, where great traditions came together. It was here, at this cross-roads of competing influences, that Jesus asked that fundamental question: “But you,” he said “who do you say that I am?”

They had been with him from the beginning, this small band of faithful followers. When others had become disillusioned and left, they had stayed. They weren’t quite sure why they remained; they hadn’t always got it right, and in truth, they weren’t even sure where all this was leading them to, but through thick and thin they still remained his small band of faithful followers.

But this was different; this was the inescapable cross-roads they knew they would have to face sooner or later. For now they were being asked to say who He is and in doing so they would have to declare who they are and where they stand. Whatever happened now, whatever path they took, the journey would not be the same.

It was Peter who answered: “You are the Christ, you have the words of eternal life.” From that moment on, whatever road he took in life, Peter had a new mission; to bring the words of eternal life; the good news of love, hope and trust to the Greek, Roman, Jewish and to all the other traditions he encountered on his journey.

At the cross-roads of his time, when new worlds were being discovered and the printed word was opening up previously unimagined opportunities of learning for the multitudes, in the bustling city and at its Elvira Gate, it was John the bookseller who asked the carpenter’s question: “Will you,” he said, “opt for the eternal word and bring the good news of love and hope to these changing times?”

But what of you and I – have we the courage to answer the carpenter’s question, to declare where we stand, so that this world of fast communication, rapid transit, of websites, geopolitics and global warming may be energised, excited, empowered and renewed by the ever new and eternal good news of hope, love and trust? 

Glory be to the Father, and to the Son, and to the Holy Spirit, as it was in the beginning, is now, and ever shall be, world without end. Amen.


Let us pray: That leaders and teachers of the Christian faith may have the inspiration to present the good news of faith, hope and love in ways which empower, energise and capture the imagination of the people of our time. For this we pray to the Lord. 

O Lord hear us we pray.

O Lord grant us your love.

That in our own lives we, like Peter, may respond to the Lord’s invitation with generosity and renew our commitment to gospel values. For this we pray to the Lord.

O Lord hear us we pray.

O Lord grant us your love.

That those who are searching for truth and justice, may find in our founder, John, a champion of humanity, who answers their yearning for a compassionate vision of our world. For this we pray to the Lord.

O Lord hear us we pray.

O Lord grant us your love.

That the believing community will respect and listen with generosity to those who have lost their faith for whatever reason. For this we pray to the Lord.

O Lord hear us we pray.

O Lord grant us your love.

That the people and circumstances we place before you in the quiet of this moment may be blessed. 

For these things too we pray to the Lord.

O Lord hear us we pray.

O Lord grant us your love.

Our Father who art in heaven
Hallowed be thy name
Thy Kingdom come
Thy will be done
On earth as it is in heaven
Give us this day our daily bread
And forgive us our trespasses
As we forgive those who trespass against us
And lead us not into temptation
But deliver us from evil.

May the Lord be with you.

And also with you. Principal

Let us bow our heads and ask for God’s blessing. 

  • May the word of God direct your steps.
  • May the courage of John strengthen your convictions.
  • May the holy ones who have gone before us protect your passage.
  • May faithful companions accompany you on your journey.
  • And may helping hands be extended to you on all sides.


And may almighty God bless us all, in the name of the Father, and of the Son, and of the Holy Spirit. Amen.

Let us go in the peace of Christ.

Thanks be to God.


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