Our Inspiration

The Saint John of God Brothers are members of an International Catholic Religious Order which traces its history back to the 15th century. We are inspired by our founder, Saint John of God, who cared for the poor, the sick and those on the margins of society in Granada, Spain.
Almost 500 years later, alongside our co-workers and volunteers we continue the work of Saint John of God, channelling his ancient legacy of love and compassion through modern health and social services across five continents.

Click here to see the services offered throughout the Province

John’s Dream

For the love of God, do good for yourselves by doing good for others.   (Saint John of God)

For John of God, each person was important and special. In John’s eyes, life was God given, and each individual was precious and had a unique part in God’s plan.

Life was for living, loving and respecting the dignity of each person.

John responded to the needs of the individual or family who were in difficulty. The homeless, the poor, the sick, those in broken relationships trusted John. He supported people where they were at, and where their choices in life, health or ability placed them. He enabled empowerment, liberation and transformation.

People’s skin colour, gender, sexual orientation or bad choices in relationships, did not distract John from being ‘Brother’ in creative and imaginative ways.

John, being a homeless migrant himself, orphaned and often hungry, wounded in war, and in receipt of mental health support in the Royal Hospital, Granada, had much experience and woundedness of his own.

Many others helped him in his recovery. He accepted this help on the path to recovery.

John’s Dream Catches on and Spreads

John did not set out to start a movement.  John was moved to respond to the needs of individuals. Others  were inspired to do likewise.  John’s welcome and respect for those volunteers and co-workers has ensured that they remained faithful and committed to his dream. So was born John’s Hospitaller Movement.  This Movement gradually took root, and has continued to flourish for the last 482 years.

John was a layman, not a Brother or Priest. However, he was ‘brother’ to  those on the margins. His example continues to inspire, and fires others to action.

Today, John’s family of women and men, endeavour to fulfil his dream in 53 countries, in 5 continents, in over 400 services.  Some 60,000 staff,  1,000 Brothers, numerous volunteers, generous benefactors together with state funding and regulation make this a reality.

Here are some examples of John’s evolving Dream today …

Along with  our many co-workers  we continue the work commenced by Saint John of God, providing services in the areas of mental health, intellectual and physical disability and care for the elderly. From the time of Saint John of God, we, like him, have as our guiding principle. “The focus of the attention of all who live and work in our hospitals or other centres must be the person for whom we are caring;” Canonical Statutes of the Hospitaller Order of Saint John of God. Article 50.
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