Our Services

Learning Disability Services

Active in Their Community Barry and James, who are supported by our North East Services, both love the outdoors and walking.
Barry (left), who has fundraised for Down Syndrome Ireland, is moving house this year. He had
planned to do the annual Darkness into Light Walk in aid of Pieta House as part of getting involved in
his new community. When it was cancelled due to the Covid-19 restrictions, he and James decided
to go ahead with their own Walk with support from Alice and Mary.

Care of the Elderly
Supporting Older Religious Communities – UK

Our work with other Religious Orders and Congregations is underpinned by our commitment to
maintain the individual charism and founding ethos of each religious organisation; supporting them
in the care of their older members and the management of their care homes. Current partnerships
include the Marist Sisters in running their residential care home in Hythe, Kent, and the Sisters of
Saint Paul the Apostle with the care of 26 members at Saint Paul’s Nursing Home, Birmingham.

Supporting Those with Dementia – Ireland

It is widely appreciated that people living with dementia should live at home for as long as possible.
But for many people this may no longer be feasible.At St Joseph’s, Shankill, we know that in order to
care for our residents in the best possible way, we must create a real home for them and for their
families. We have moved away from ‘institutional’ or ‘traditional task orientated’ care.Today care is
focused on the emotions and feelings of the people we look after and we provide a relaxed home
like feeling in every one of our six lodges while still looking after their physical, emotional, spiritual
and social needs.

Child and Adolescent Mental Health Service – Ireland

Animal therapy can have physiological and psychological benefits for people experiencing mental health
difficulties. An alpaca trekking outing in Wicklow was an excellent opportunity for some of the young
people who attend our Lucena Clinic Service and their parents to experience the gentle nature and
therapeutic benefits of the alpacas and the beautiful surroundings. The outing was a great success and
further trips are planned.

Mental Health First Aid – Ireland

Based at Saint John of God Hospital, we deliver training with the aim of preventing and responding to mental health difficulties and crisis. Through online and face-to-face courses, we have trained over 8,000 individuals form communities and workplaces throughout Ireland, and even European Parliament staff! In recent years we have supported NGO agencies, An Garda, the Irish Defence Forces and the HSE as well as thousands of private sector employees.

Umoza Children Programme – Malawi

In Malawi, due to lack of resources, children attend school in the morning or in the afternoon. Outside of these hours, they are left vulnerable while their parents are occupied making a living. Umoza Children’s Programme is Saint John of God Hospitaller Service which promotes rehabilitation, wellbeing and holistic development of children living on the streets. The programme currently supports 753 children across Malawi’s Northern region.

Good Shepherd – Wolverhampton UK

We work with some of the most vulnerable and marginalised in the community – rough sleepers, homeless people or those at risk of homelessness, families with support needs, people with multiple complex needs and people with no access to public funds. We make help available to all who need it – no questions asked, no strings attached. For 16 years we’ve reached out to thousands of individuals and families in crisis. Our vision is to end homelessness and create sustainable pathways out of homelessness and poverty.

Digital Inclusion – Ireland

At our Liffey Services, over 250 individuals have been supported to stay connected through 57different weekly sessions as part of its Online Engagement Programme. Liffey Services were the 2020 Digital Innovation category winner n the HSE Excellence Awards for their co-designed accessible person-centred planning platform, built on iplanit with Aspirico. They re also leading the way through international partnerships and Erasmus+funded projects LETITBE AND ENTELIS+. They continue to innovate and reach those left behind b bridging the digital divide.

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