The St. John of God Annual Pilgrimage to Knock took place on Friday, 14th June. Brothers, service users from all the services in Ireland, staff, volunteers and many family and friends came by coach, train and car to participate in this annual event which is a red letter day in the Province’s calendar. Most of us had arrived by 12.00 noon and there was an opportunity to meet and greet and also to have time for a visit to the Shrine, Bascilica and to shop for religious goods which would be blessed later at the Mass. We are grateful to Fr. Terence Harrington, OFM, Cap. who is resident in Knock and celebrated the Eucharist with us. The theme of the pilgrimage was “One Small Act”; Fr. Harrington elaborated on the theme saying how much a small act of kindness can impact on a person and that we should try to be much more aware of this in our daily lives.
It was a joyous and inclusive celebration with the St. John of God Choir and solo singer Annette Griffin and guest musician John Staunton providing the music. A communion reflection was mimed by a group of service users from the North Eastern Services. At the conclusion of Mass a medley of well loved hymns were sung with great community participation. After Mass there was again more time to meet up and chat before departing for the coaches for the journey home.