Saint John of God Brothers West European Province

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Message of Pope Francis for World Day of the Sick 11th February 2025
Message of his Holiness Pope Francis XXXIII World Day of the Sick 11 February 2025 “Hope does not disappoint” (Rom 5:5), but strengthens us intimes of trial Dear brothers

Pope Francis calls consecrated religious to be ‘bearers of light’ amid modern challenges
Pope Francis urged consecrated men and women to become “bearers of light” in today’s world through their faithful witness of the evangelical counsels as he celebrated first vespers for the

Brother Pascal Ahodegnon, General, as per Tradition Adopts a New Coat of Arms
As per tradition, the newly elected Superior General has adopted a coat of arms and a motto, which we present below. The pomegranate surmounted by the cross is the symbol
“For the love of God, do good for yourselves by doing good for others.”
Saint John of God
A John of God Brother is a man, who shows evidence in his life, that he is willing to be a Brother to Jesus …

Our Symbol: The Pomegranate

The symbol of the Order is the Pomegranate – the apple of Granada.
Our logo incorporates the pomegranate with a cross.
The pomegranate is the fruit often referred to in the Old Testament as representing the virtue of charity.
The motto of the Order is “God is Love“ (1 John 4:8)