The 23rd General Chapter of the Sisters Hospitallers of the Sacred Heart of Jesus will convene representatives of the Congregation from around the world from April 24 to May 26 to reflect on their service of hospitality and to chart the course for the coming years, as well as to elect the new governing team for the next six years.
The General Chapter is the “body that represents the Congregation and exercises authority in a collegial manner in matters related to its life and mission”, as defined by the Hospitaller Sisters who dedicate their lives to the service, preferably, of people suffering from mental illness and disability, through the charism of Hospitality.
Under the motto “Clothe yourselves with the heart of mercy”, the Congregation has been preparing this General Chapter since July 2023 in different stages of listening, prayer and interpretation of the reality they find in each place of the world and the service that God sends them to offer from their Hospitaller identity.
This year’s Chapter will have 34 participants representing in a significant way the different realities of the world where the Congregation is present. They will define the way forward based on the realities present in each place and will elect the new members of the General Government.
At the end of the General Chapter on May 26, the Congregation of Sisters will have a rereading of its spirituality incarnated in the daily life of the present time, mainly in favour of people with mental illness and disabilities, and new sisters elected to the General Government of the Congregation.
About Sisters Hospitallers
The Congregation of the Sisters Hospitallers of the Sacred Heart of Jesus is a Catholic female institution that works in the reception, assistance and care of people with mental illness, intellectual disabilities and other diseases, with preference for the most needy. Its mission is to evangelize the world of health, through the promotion of health, social and educational works, giving the highest priority to its commitment to society. Sisters Hospitallers was founded in Madrid (Spain) in 1881 by Saint Benito Menni, a priest of the Order of Saint John of God, together with María Josefa Recio and María Angustias Giménez, chosen by God to respond to the situation of health neglect and social exclusion of women with mental illness at the time, combining two fundamental criteria: charity and science. More information:
About the General Chapter
The General Chapter is the body that represents the entire Congregation and exercises collegial authority in matters concerning its life and mission. It is held every six years, convoked by the Superior General, who is responsible for determining, with the consent of her councillors, the issues to be discussed, the time and place of its celebration, according to the norm of the Directory. It is a space of prayerful obedience to the Holy Spirit in the search for the greater good of the Congregation in the Church. They collaborate actively and responsibly with an attitude of docility to the Spirit, fostering an atmosphere of intense prayer and true conversion.