Today, 22nd June, 2022, the West European Province celebrated 450 years of unbroken hospitality. Beginning with the small group that gathered around St. John of God in Granada and spreading throughout the world, undeterred by war, plague, famine and all the challenges that came throughout these past four and a half centuries.
In 1572 Pope St. Pius V, was petitioned by the followers of St. John of God to acknowledge the work begun by John and his early followers and to constitute it as a religious order. Pope St. Pius V agreed to their request and declared that this Order of St. John of God was “The flower that was lacking in the garden of the Church”.
Today’s Eucharistic celebration of thanksgiving took place in the Church of St. Laurence O’Toole, Kilmacud. Attended by the Brothers of the Province, many of their co-workers, both current and retired, those who attend the services, friends of the Order and also religious from many other congregations throughout the diocese.
Bishop Eamonn Walsh celebrated the Eucharist and spoke of his own early connections with the Brothers when they first came to Celbridge.
Brother Donatus, Provincial, welcomed and thanked all who came to join in the celebration.
He spoke of the long history of the Order both in Ireland and throughout the world. How one person inspired and continues to inspire so many. That while the Order has seen many changes in its long history and no doubt will experience many more, hospitality to all will continue in the spirit of St. John of God into the future, taking on new forms and meeting new needs which arise.
The Mass was followed by an opportunity to get together and share refreshments in the adjoining parish hall.