Unification of the Spanish Provinces – Historic moment for the Hospitaller Order
On the 16thMarch 2021, the three Spanish Provinces of Andalusia (1884), Aragon (1934) and Castille (1934) became one Spanish Province of Saint John of God under the leadership ofBrother Amador Fernández, newly appointed Provincial. The unification of the Spanish Provinces and appointment of the new Provincial tookplace during the Provincial Assembly of the Hospitaller Order of Saint John of God held in the Basilica of Saint John of God in Granada, under the theme ‘Moving Forward in Hospitality’.
Following his appointment Brother Amador Fernández, said, “My first words after assuming this service for theHospitaller Order in Spain are to recall Saint John of God, whose life is a model of consecration for the Brothers, while it also inspires the vocation to hospitality of our co-workers”.He said that this makes all of the Brothers and co-workers builders of something new, but building on a rich history and very vibrant present.
Brother Jesus Etayo, Prior General, in his address to the assembly said that the unification of the Provinces is “an opportunity to pool potentials to realise the dream of Saint John of God in all its fullness” based on commitment, faith, audacity, hope and trust, adding that “hospitality is the very essence of this project, always open to innovative new forms and models which respond to the needs of the poor and the sick”. He went on to say “What has brought us here and what truly unites us and gives meaning to everything we do is hospitality, service and compassion for all those who suffer”, and he paid a special tribute “to those who are suffering from the coronavirus pandemic and its consequences at all levels”.
Because of Covid 19 restrictions attendance had been strictly limited and Brothers and co-workers were able to participate in the Assembly online.